Wake Up To Your Dream Life

The person who is reading this right now, who is that?  What makes you think that’s the REAL you?  Every person is born without thought only choice.  Did you choose who you are right now?

You have been taught to be who you now claim yourself to be. 

Everyone learns to be who they are by someone else.  How could you possibly live up to something that is not natural to you?

You probably are not the ideal version of you and living the life you really desire or, like many they don’t even know another way of living is possible for them.

You have been confined to a limiting box in your mind.  This box has received an enormous amount of unsolicited information that you deemed as true because of the “authorities” who told you it was true.

Whoever creates the narrative, language and definitions, they control the rules and parameters of those narratives.  They control you.

The truth is only one.  YOU.  The truth can only be described by you and what you have personally decided as truth.  That is it.  The truth is that simple.

You will always be a slave to someone or something including your own limited box of thoughts, feelings and beliefs.  This box was not created by you even though you think it was.  This box you live in was created by others and it has become dangerously normal to you.  

You will defend it and justify it because it is all you have known up until now.  Without knowing the alternative you safely keep choosing what is familiar to you.  That is not safe, that is programming.  

Yet…you come to a point where you think life is unfair, and yet you feel you are meant for greatness.  Then revert back to your box for reasons why you can’t be greater than you are.  Even when you try you fail and blame the box again.

Yet you will keep trying and trying and become your own failure.  Not knowing you don’t live in a box.  You have always been free.  The door was open the whole time.

If you want to build any kind of life you could only dream about or watch others have, you must change the box you are living in.

How do I build a new box to live in?

By becoming your own proof of how the life you prefer is real.  Stop waiting for life to give you something that you can simply learn to give yourself.

I work with independent thinkers who know this is true but still struggle to get out of their own cycle in order to level up.

In a world of waiters, you can set yourself apart and be waited on by changing your identity.  Without this, you will be the poor guy trying to forever become rich, the unloved waiting for love, the unseen waiting to be acknowledged.

No one is holding you back...you CAN have it all.

We are not taught to be limitless, we are taught limitations.  The “or” factor I call it, do this OR that.  What if I told you that you can have it all AND your way? That’s my “and my cake too” factor. 

You have found me out of exhaustion of trying and efforting to be something far greater than you see yourself to be right now.  It’s not a cliché that you are actually meant for greatness. Until you see that you actually are the greatness, it will elude you. 

As a former shrink and now a coach, I know how tricky the human mind can be.  Oh yes…it loves safety and limitation.  Who you really are is far from playing it safe or limited. You are limitless, timeless, ageless and can have it all.  No one teaches us the how though…and that is where I come in!


I’ll help you take a step back and look at the bigger picture and pinpoint where you are now so we can change that reflection. Awareness of where you are is paramount!
I’ll help you take a step back and look at the bigger picture and pinpoint where you are now so we can change that reflection. Awareness of who you are is paramount!


Your perception impacts all areas of life, business, relationships and your health. We will shift your perceptions to ones that favor your dreams, so you can leave behind what isn’t serving you and begin to step into the magical life you desire.
Your self concept impacts all areas of life, including the choices you make. We'll fine tune your self concept so you can leave behind what isn’t serving you and begin to step into the magical life you desire.

Action Plan

You will practically apply what you learn into your life. Learning is just the beginning, application of what you learn is where the magic takes place! You will get actionable steps - a roadmap to success.
You will practically apply what you learn into your life. Learning is just the beginning, application of what you learn is where the magic takes place! You will get actionable steps - a roadmap to success.

Why I Love What I Do

In search of wanting a wonderful life for myself, I found the key to it all… and now I share this with others to do the same! What you truly desire is waiting for you to stop running from it.

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