At The Top

Live Beyond Logic

3 Years Selling Real Estate, 12 Years as a Psychotherapist, 2 successful bicoastal private practices, 2 Years as a grad school professor and 6 years as a metaphysical student and advisor (I’ll always be a student).  

The idea that I could run a business solo was CRAZY to the younger me.  Somehow I just did it anyway and I never looked back.


I hit the bottom and tried climbing like everyone else does to the top.  Blood sweat and tears was the most common advice I was given.  Then it was just do nothing but meditate with my crystals and take a bath in salts to clear out bad energy.  

I shameless admit I did it, the tarot readings, the techniques, affirmations, wealth coaches, business coaches, coach training and so much more.  I don’t want to bore you with all those details of what did not bring results.

What I do want to share with you is what actually works. 

Me. You. It was right under my nose and it is right under yours.

Your energy never lies.  It only reflects you.  Even though I heard that so many times and tried to go around it with workshops, thousands of dollars in professional coaching and other nonsense.  

It was too gimmicky.  I am a trained shrink do you think I really wanted to hear something that was not LOGICAL? Nope.

No matter what I tried, it did not give me the results I wanted.  Until one day I stood in the middle of my living room surrendering to the way the YOUniverse works.  

I have to be it to see it.  It was actually quite annoying.

Your business is YOU.  So why would your business reflect anything other than your energy?  Some success is possible but when you are stuck and don’t understand what used to work just does not seem to work anymore now that, is frustrating.

The great news, is that this is doable.  Very doable.  You have everything it takes to be what you want.  You are not broken or screwed, or too old or too dumb.  You don’t need more PR packages, better hashtags and more networking.

You always just needed you.  Once that sets in, damn it feels hella good!

So when you are ready for no BS approach, straight to it, and experience REAL success go ahead and watch the video above then you can book a call with Rose. 

See you At The Top. Live Beyond Logic is where it happens.


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Why I Love What I Do

In search of wanting a wonderful life for myself, I found the key to it all… and now I share this with others to do the same! What you truly desire is waiting for you to stop running from it.

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